Tips for a Safe Halloween Night
Marissa Udelsman, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, has outlined several easy and effective ways to reduce injury during this Halloween.

Children are always excited about this faBOOlous annual event. They plan out costumes, imagine all the candy they will get, and make plans to trick or treat. While this time-honored tradition brings joy to many, there are some things to keep in mind as you plan your family’s Halloween night.
Here are 10 tips for a safe Halloween:
1. Never allow your child or anyone in the group to go into a stranger’s home or car for a treat.
2. Children should never trick or treat alone; a trusted adult should always be with them. Children should not be out of sight.
3. Keep costumes brightly colored or well reflected, and bring enough flashlights and glow sticks for everyone– the sun is expected to set at 5:40pm this year.
4. Cross roads safely. This holiday is an opportunity to help reinforce those everyday rules of ‘look both ways’ and ‘wait for the light to change’ – Halloween is one of the most dangerous nights for child pedestrians.
5. Make sure there are enough adults in relation to the number of children – you want to plan ahead in case a child gets sick or scared during the night and wants to be taken home.
6. Choose face paint over masks which can obstruct a child’s vision. Make sure any hats or headpieces fit properly and don’t slide over the child’s face.
7. Always walk on sidewalks or designated pedestrian zones – pick a route before heading out.
8. Children and adults should pick comfortable shoes to walk in.
9. Check outdoor lights at your home; if you’re having trick-or-treaters come to you, replace any burnt out bulbs ahead of time. Create a safe environment.
10. Tampering of candy and treats is rare, but an adult should always inspect all of the treats when returning home. Throw away any suspicious, unwrapped, or expired candy.
We recommend that families make a clear set of rules before going out so that everyone knows what to expect. Have a fun, and safe Halloween!
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