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Tips to Stay Safe this Halloween

Halloween is around the corner! While COVID-19 vaccines have provided us with the confidence to resume activities, some adults and most children remain unvaccinated.  Adhering to the usual, common-sense precautions that we have become used to over the last couple of years will help reduce the spread of COVID-19 while safely celebrating Halloween and other activities we love with our children, families, and friends.  Here are some simple tips and helpful reminders on ways to stay safe while having fun with your ghosts, ghouls, and goblins this Halloween.  


Get outside: Outdoor activities and events, such as trick-or-treating or corn mazes, are preferred as they provide the ability to socially distance. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends outside activities, avoiding large crowds and maintaining smaller groups to reduce possible exposure.  Trick-or-treat etiquette, such as waiting for your turn and not overcrowding the doorsteps with excitement, will help to maintain social distancing. If you choose to celebrate Halloween indoors, follow your community’s recommendations for the number of people to safely gather indoors and limit to close contacts and family members.  Anyone who is not feeling well or experiencing symptoms of a common cold, influenza or COVID-19, or has had a recent exposure to someone with COVID-19, should avoid others and not participate.


Mask up: Masks are recommended for indoor gatherings as well as outdoor festivities (including trick-or-treating) when social distancing cannot be followed. Relying on costumes for mask protection should be avoided. Try and stick to two-layer cloth or surgical masks as recommended by the CDC. Costume masks should be avoided over surgical or two-layer cloth masks as it could make breathing difficult.  There are festive cloth and surgical masks for Halloween that can serve as a creative part of any costume.  Whatever color or pattern, wearing recommended masks on Halloween is important in reducing the chances of spreading COVID-19.  Masks should not be used on children younger than 2 years of age.


Remember to wash your hands: Washing our hands is the single best defense for preventing the spread of germs, including COVID-19. While washing your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds is the most effective way to clean your hands, it is not always possible.  Be sure to carry hand sanitizer when attending outdoor events or trick-or-treating.  Also, make sure to clean your hands after using or sharing tools for pumpkin carving, decorating or playing games.  Avoid sharing food and bobbing for apples this year. Instead, use individual packaging.  Most importantly, cleaning your hands before eating or touching your mouth and face will help keep those unwanted germs at bay.


Amidst the pandemic, Halloween 2021 can still be fun and safe! Following the COVID-19 recommendations of mask wearing, washing our hands and social distancing will decrease the risk of spreading the virus and other illnesses.  COVID-19 precautions are at the forefront of staying safe this Halloween, but it is important that we remember the many other safety tips such as carrying flashlights and a cell phone, adding reflector tape to clothing, walking on sidewalks and using crosswalks.  Avoid homemade treats, check your candy bags, especially paying close attention to your child’s food allergies and wash your hands before eating candy.  For a list of other ways to stay safe this year, go to trusted websites such as the American Academy of Pediatrics healthychildren.org and the cdc.org.


Have a fun, safe & Happy Halloween 2021!


Tami Chase, Vice President of Quality & Safety


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