Our Blog

News and insight from Franciscan about our philosophy of hope through healthcare and recent issues affecting children’s wellness.

Giving News

A Carnival Unlike Any Other

Kid Fund Carnival - Airbrush Tattoo

Each year on the last Friday in July the KID Fund Carnival is held onsite at Franciscan Hospital for Children, bringing together staff, children, families and guests for a day of laughter and fun.

Mental Health Support Services

Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness meditation has been demonstrated to be effective in the treatment of a variety of mental health issues, and has been incorporated into a variety of therapeutic treatment approaches. In mindfulness practice we do our best to “be with” whatever is happening in an aware and self-loving way, often with a focus on present moment body sensations, thoughts, and emotions.


Korey’s Kennedy Day School Graduation

Korey Foley’s story at Franciscan began when he was just three years old. Nineteen years later, Korey has become a well-known, smiling face both inside and outside our halls for friends of the hospital and the Kennedy Day School (KDS). Last week we celebrated a big milestone for Korey, his family and his friends – his graduation from the Kennedy Day School.


WATCH’s 10 Top Summer Safety Traps

A long-awaited break from our harsh winter this year, there’s still plenty of room for fun and games this summer while also being conscious of the safety of your family! WATCH shares with us their 10 Top Summer Safety Traps and Summer Safety To-Do list.

Education News

Transition & Adult Services Resource Fair

Bay Cove Team Photo Transition Fair

A critical issue for families of children with disabilities, transition planning for adulthood is an area with which many parents struggle. Therefore, providing a forum for families to interact and connect with adult services professionals was both important and rewarding. We were thrilled to welcome over 20 families & numerous professionals to our first Transition and Adult Services Resource Fair.

Medical Services

Milk Myths

Did you know that kids ages 1 to 5 get almost 20% of their daily calories from milk? We’re investigating some myths associated with this healthy, popular drink.


Heart in Hand Thank You

Heart in Hand Holiday Campaign

A brief recap of the 2014 Heart in Hand holiday campaign and our opportunity to say thank you to all those who participated in support of our kids and families.