Our Blog
News and insight from Franciscan about our philosophy of hope through healthcare and recent issues affecting children’s wellness.
Education Medical Services Mental Health Support Services
School-based Mental Health Programs Provided by Franciscan Children’s

According to the National Research Council and Institute of Medicine, up to one in five children in the U.S. experience a mental health disorder every year. Symptoms often begin in early… Continue Reading
Education Medical Services Mental Health Support Services
Coordinated Autism Service Line: Helping One Family at a Time
Written by clinical psychologist, Dr. Dan Clark CASL – Coordinated Autism Service Line at Franciscan Children’s The Coordinated Autism Service Line (CASL) at Franciscan Children’s is a program within the… Continue Reading
Education Medical Services Support Services
A Day in the Life of a Child Life Specialist

Day In the Life of a Child Life Specialist at Franciscan Children’s At Franciscan Children’s, our Child Life Specialists foster our patients’ emotional, social and cognitive growth during their stay… Continue Reading
Adaptive sports Education Support Services
Accessible Boston: Know Before You Go – Museum of Science

Written by Paul Ward As the Director of Adaptive Sports at Franciscan Children’s, I aim to find accessible outings for families and their children. As someone living with a disability,… Continue Reading
Assistive Technology in the Classroom

Written by Colleen Gorman, Assistive Technology Specialist, Kennedy Day School at Franciscan Children’s Advancements in technology have changed how our world functions. There are devices that can complete daily chores,… Continue Reading
Adaptive sports Education Support Services
How Adaptive Sports Can Influence Your Child’s Life

Written by Paul Ward, Director of Adaptive Sports As someone who was born with spina bifida, I know firsthand how beneficial getting involved in adaptive sports can be. Adaptive sports… Continue Reading
Tips to Stay Safe this Halloween

Halloween is around the corner! While COVID-19 vaccines have provided us with the confidence to resume activities, some adults and most children remain unvaccinated. Adhering to the usual, common-sense precautions… Continue Reading
Trick or Treat, Give me something good to eat, but don’t forget to brush your teeth!

Trick or treat, Give me something good to eat, ….but don’t forget to brush your teeth! This year, as we celebrate a socially responsible All Hallows Eve (or Halloween… Continue Reading
Cultural Spotlight: Hispanic Heritage Month #2
My name is Yudy Reyes and I work in the Human Resources Department at Franciscan Children’s as a Human Resources Assistant. In recognition of Hispanic Heritage Month, I’d like to… Continue Reading
Art Therapy as Treatment for Adolescent Suicidality

Written by: Marina Doering, Art Therapist for Franciscan Children’s Self-injury in adolescents is receiving increased attention in the media and across the mental health field as the COVID-19 pandemic continues… Continue Reading
The Emotional Benefits of Art Therapy

Written by: Marina Doering, Art Therapist for Franciscan Children’s Art therapy is not only a great way to reduce stress, but it has also been found to improve or… Continue Reading
Cultural Spotlight: Hispanic Heritage Month

“My name is Claudio Nunez Vargas, and I proudly work in the Security Department at Franciscan Children’s. In recognition of Hispanic Heritage Month, I’d like to share a bit about… Continue Reading
Education Medical Services Mental Health News Support Services
Back to School 2021: Weathering the Storm Together to Prevent Suicide

Blog is written by: Anna Lingan, CWI School-Based Therapist |Site Manager for Winship Elementary School, and Jane Carper, CWI School-Based Therapist | Site Manager for Higginson Lewis School. At the… Continue Reading
Better Speech and Hearing Month: Kennedy Day School
As Better Hearing & Speech Month continues, learn more about speech therapy at Kennedy Day School from Alex Mack and Stacey Swift, Speech-Language Pathologists. If you walk into any classroom… Continue Reading
Tips for a Safe Halloween Night

Marissa Udelsman, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, has outlined several easy and effective ways to reduce injury during this Halloween.
How to Transition Your Child From School Year to Summer Vacation

As the school year comes to an end, it’s time to prepare for the transition into summer break. Shifting kids into new routines without disrupting their current schedules can be challenging. Too many adjustments at once can lead to behavioral changes, worries and anxieties, but there are steps you can take to make the transition as smooth as possible for your family.
Drop Everything and Read at the
Kennedy Day School

Drop Everything and Read is one of the many special programs at the Kennedy Day School that truly engage students in the joy of learning. Like so many other aspects of daily life at KDS, the D.E.A.R. program is developed and executed with creativity and endless possibilities in mind. Students are involved in all aspects of the celebration, based on their abilities and goals.
Review: Speechless Premiere on ABC TV

ABC’s new TV Series, Speechless, follows the adventures of DiMeo family and is one of the first of its kind to offer unique insight into the life of a family with a child who has a disability. It is our privilege to work with incredible children and families who share challenges similar to those of JJ and the DiMeos – so we tuned in to check out the pilot episode. Now, we’re sharing some initial reactions from our Speech-Language Pathologists, Kennedy Day School teachers, and even a few of our Kennedy Day School students!
Music Therapy: Setting the Stage for Learning

Music Therapy is an integral part of the curriculum at the Kennedy Day School – engaging students in learning, working toward their individual goals, and having fun! In this blog post, we explore what a Music Therapy and Speech-Language Co-Treatment session looks like, to the tune of Justin Bieber’s “Sorry.”
A Different Perspective on Back-to-School

Our guest blogger is mom to Michael and Eric, twin boys who attend the Kennedy Day School onsite at Franciscan, and Katie who attends a local public school. Back-to-School is a bit different for the Murray family, and Amy tells us why!