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Ringing in 2019: Ways Kids Can Inspire Better Family Health

Dr. Livaditis is responsible for providing preventive and urgent care for outpatients in the primary care practice. She works as part of a collaborative team to provide care and education to children and families. Dr. Livaditis has outlined 5 ways for kids to take charge of family time and create new, fun, and healthy traditions in the New Year.

1. Start a screen-less game night

Parents: For younger children, the newest and fanciest tech gizmos aren’t necessarily the best. A high-quality toy supports “warm, verbally rich interactions and quality time.”

Kids: You’ve heard from your pediatrician that more than 2 hours of screen time every day may not be good for you. Ever played a board game?  Once a week, ditch the video games and TV for a good old-fashioned family game night (and make your doctor happy!).

Read more at http://www.aappublications.org/news/2018/12/03/toys120318

2. Jump on the e-fitness bandwagon

Parents: A recent study in Pediatrics found that physical activity begins declining as early as 6 years of age.

Kids: Getting 60 minutes of moderate activity each day can be hard (especially in the winter). Work those Fitbits! Help your older relatives download apps to track their movement, and then set up a family fitness challenge.

Read more at https://www.nytimes.com/2018/12/06/well/move/children-move-less-starting-at-age-6.html

3. Prepare one healthy recipe per week

Parents: In our busy world, eating healthily can seem impossible. Forgoing fast food options for even 1 homemade meal is a step in the right direction. It’s worth showing our kids that cooking healthy food for themselves is the goal, even if it doesn’t happen all of the time.

Kids: Cooking can seem like a chore, but making your own healthy food can be really fun! Pick out a recipe from a healthy food resource and ask your parents to help you make it. Bonus points if you make enough to last for more than 1 meal – take it to school for lunch the next day!

Read more at www.eatingwell.com

4. Create a family book club

Parents: Reading plays a crucial role in children’s development, and that skill can be fostered from birth by reading aloud every day. For content recommendations, sites like A Might Girl list books that feature positive role models.

Kids: Start a family book club! Work on reading at least 15 minutes a day, and then highlight your favorite scenes to read aloud (or even better, recreate!) with your family.

Read more at https://www.amightygirl.com/, https://www.aap.org/en-us/literacy/Pages/For-Families.aspx

5. Promote real-life fitness as family time

Parents & Kids: Does your family love watching TV together? Keep everyone active by designing an exercise challenge for your favorite sports event. For example, during a football game, do pushups for every 1st down; sit-ups for every turnover; and 30 seconds of your favorite dance move for every touchdown. Or, encourage everyone watching at home to bust a move during commercial breaks!

Cheers to a happy and healthy 2019!

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