Our Blog

News and insight from Franciscan about our philosophy of hope through healthcare and recent issues affecting children’s wellness.

Medical Services

Milk Myths

Did you know that kids ages 1 to 5 get almost 20% of their daily calories from milk? We’re investigating some myths associated with this healthy, popular drink.

Medical Services

Is it Sensory or Behavior? OT Detectives to the Rescue!

Do you find yourself asking, why does my child do that? Why does my child not take a bath? Why won’t they eat a banana? How can I stop them from doing that behavior? You’re not alone, and many parents have turned to Occupational Therapy as a way to help answer these seemingly never-ending questions.

Medical Services

Occupational Therapy: Favorite iPad Apps

Occupational Therapy iPad Applications

Numerous (and often free) iPad applications can be used to help children of various ages and abilities to develop and master skills in a fun way. Take a look at some of our favorite apps, grouped according to the skill area typically addressed by occupational therapists.

Medical Services


Torticollis Blog Tummy Time

Torticollis. A word that might make you think of tortoises or turtles, Torticollis is actually Latin for “twisted neck.” As a parent, you might recognize Torticollis in a few different ways. Your baby or toddler may hold their head tilted to the side, or turn their head in just one direction. Torticollis can also be associated with Plagiocephaly, or a flat head.