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Mental Health Awareness During COVID-19

Mental Health Awareness Month has taken on a new meaning this May as many of us struggle to find balance in these unprecedented times. While we are busy navigating the new pandemic restrictions, home teaching our kids or trying to learn how to Zoom for work meetings, our mental health clinicians have continued to be on the front lines of mental health treatments and research to help kids who are struggling with mental health issues.

Emotional and behavioral issues in kids are nothing new. In the US, 20% of youth are diagnosed with a mental health condition – depression and anxiety are the most common – and countless other kids conditions go undiagnosed. The COVID-19 pandemic is exacerbating these issues and access to good mental healthcare is now more critical than ever.

Now the good news! While the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has been devastating in so many areas, we are happy to report a positive impact. As they say, necessity is the mother of invention. And since patients and their clinicians aren’t able to meet face-to-face during this pandemic, providing behavioral health services using telehealth has become incredibly popular. Thanks to telehealth, Dr. Fatima Watt, our Director of Outpatient Behavioral Health Services, and her team of skilled licensed clinicians can now easily keep in contact with their patients. And now, they are able to extend their services to help all family members through individual therapy, group counseling and/or parent support networks. No more having to navigate traffic to meet with your clinician – you can now conveniently have your appointments in the comfort and privacy of your own home!

Dr. Watt has been at the forefront of pediatric mental health care during this pandemic and has used her innovative approach and ideas, and her sensitive and engaging attitude to help support families during this trying time. She has spearheaded an interactive YouTube series designed to help parents understand the emotional issues their kids are facing due to the pandemic with tips on how to best support their children. Her YouTube webinars can be viewed here: Coronavirus and Our Kids: Addressing Fear and Anxiety In Our Children and Coronavirus and Our Kids: Addressing Grief In Our Children. She has also been a featured mental health expert in local and national media, serving as a mental health expert in several media appearances. Check out her appearances below and get to know Dr. Watt better.

Don’t worry – all of Franciscan Children’s other mental health services for kids are still happening! As a leader in the pediatric mental health field, we provide services across all levels of care including our highly regarded inpatient mental health program and community based acute residential treatment program (CBAT) in partnership with McLean Hospital, outpatient behavioral health services including services in nine Boston Public Schools, and mental health education for teachers, parents and students across eastern Massachusetts through our Kids Healthy Minds Initiative program.

At Franciscan Children’s, we understand the stress children and adults are facing and Dr. Watt and her team are ready to help you and your child navigate the emotional turmoil of these unusual times.
If you or anyone you know would like more information on Franciscan Children’s telehealth services for mental health evaluation or treatment , please call (617-254-3800 x3141) or email us to set up an appointment today.

We are here for you. We are here for your family. Together we will get through this.

Links to Dr. Watt’s media appearances:

WGBH – In It Together
NBC 10 Boston
Boston Herald
Children’s Hospital Association
Boston 25 News/Kerry Kavanuagh Instagram interview

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